Girl Diving Into Water IV
by Jan Keteleer
Girl Diving Into Water IV
Jan Keteleer
Digital Art - Digital
The art of Jan Keteleer is a great example of photorealism. He is known for painting lone figures, often in swimming pools, and is known for his realism and colorful palette. The image of a young girl diving into the water in the center of a canvas is striking and hypnotic.
The photorealistic paintings of Jan Keteleer are highly detailed and contain a strong sense of drama. The photographer and artist often use bright colors to capture the essence of life. His subjects, largely female, are submerged in the sea, and they are always completely surrounded by the sheets. His work is based on observation and is considered to be quite evocative. His portraits depict a woman diving or swimming into the water.
Jan Keteleer's paintings capture the vulnerability of the human body. The weightlessness of the diving figure is used to convey the fragility of human life. While water is the basis of life, it is an insignificant component of a powerful force. We manipulate water by turning a knob to turn it on and off, but the water in Summer Diver is essentially unhindered by human authority. The subject appears vulnerable and exposed in both the air and water.
January 7th, 2022